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What people are saying about "Place of Peace"...

This book is Historical Christian Fiction. I enjoyed it. The book description on Amazon really only sums up the first part of the book though. The other part of the book is actually more about the yellow fever outbreak in Memphis in 1878 - something which I had never heard much about, so it was interesting to learn more about that and it inspired me to read additional information on that subject.


I appreciate reading a book that could actually have happened. That is this book. Fantastic plot with twists and turns that just beg you to continue turning the page!


Once again Debra Diaz shares a story of faith and hope with her readers. This was a great book, intriguing and inspiring.


This is a story of a disease-ridden city, Memphis, Tennessee, in the year 1878. Genny has run away to Nashville, Tennessee, my hometown, to escape pressure from her family to send her into an unwanted marriage. A marriage for love, & subsequent events lead her to Memphis. So much of a vivid picture is painted, with particular attention paid to the details of the disease & the effect it has not only on the people but the city itself. It is a romance with a lot of tragedy & heartache in tow. Not for the faint of heart.


This story will make you laugh, cry and love. It is well written and told. You will not want to stop reading once you have started. I enjoyed it thoroughly. The characters come alive and make you wish you could help them on their journey.


Absolutely enjoy reading any book by Debra Diaz! This was no exception. Great characters and storyline!


It draws you in right from the beginning. Lots of twists and turns. A great love story and clean romance.


I really enjoyed this story. It was easy to follow and I looked forward to curling up with my Kindle at night till I had finished the book. I had no idea of the serious yellow fever epidemic in Memphis after the Civil War. I enjoy history so that was a plus for me.


I admit, it has been a few weeks since I finished this book, but I will tell you that Debra Diaz is one of my favorite historical novel writers and this title seems to bring up good feelings, like it was one of the best books I have read in a while. Debra also somehow winds a love story within the development of the characters and it fits into the plot- I am sure you won't be disappointed!




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